Thursday, February 28, 2008


What an awesome push-up sequence demonstrated by one seriously strong woman (and a few guys). Enjoy and we'll all get to this point someday right!?! :)

Tonight's Dinner!

As I dream about spring on this snowy day, I have decided to make 'grilled ginger-me up chicken' and corn on the cob in anticipation of warm summer dinners. So enjoy this recipe and check out Recipezaar for lots of other healthy and delicious meals.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Myth #2 Busted!

Myth: Eating late at night makes you fat

Truth: Actually, it doesn't. What adds excess weight is the amount we eat, not the time. Take for example, an active female who requires 1800 calories per day (find out how many calories you need per day). If she eats 1300 calories throughout the day, then gets home late from work and eats dinner (500 calories) at 9:00pm, she won't gain weight because her total intake for the day is 1800. Now take that same active female on another day... if she eats 1800 calories throughout the day then comes home from work although not really hungry, eats a sandwich (roughly 200 calories) at 9:00pm, she will over time gain weight. It's the extra calories that add up over time and increase one's total weight.

So calculate your daily caloric need and focus on those numbers, not the ones on the clock.


I have been slacking on te posts lately and I apologize! I am the only one to blame, so let me explain why...

My website (God bless it!) has been a work in progress for the last month or so. I am excited that it is officially underway and I have learned a few things along my journey (including the realization that I am not blessed in website making!!!!). I hope to have that up and running in the next month or so.

Also, my husband and I are training for the Nashville half-marathon in April (again). Although only 3 weeks into our training, we are starting rack up the miles which always keeps us busy.

SO these are not excuses, just explanations as to why the posts have been slacking. But thank you for being patient and I promise to make a better effort in the coming months!!

Friday, February 15, 2008

Resolution check-in

Well it's the middle of February... how are those resolutions going? This seems to be the time of year where when we start to forget about those promises we made to ourselves only one month ago. If you are still going strong, will you share what/who is pushing you along? If you are struggling with sticking to that promise, why do you think that is? Was the resolution reasonable? Was it feasible?

When we set goals, whether they are resolutions or just mid-month goals, it is important to keep them S.M.A.R.T.!

S- Specific
M- Measurable
A- Attainable
R- Realistic
T- Time-oriented

So if you've fallen off the resolution wagon, re-assess your goals and set SMART goals to get yourself back on track!

Friday, February 8, 2008

Say No to 'fat talk'

Article adopted from iVillage...

Imagine if you lived in a world that empowered you to believe your body was perfect just the way it is. Sadly, many of us are negative about our bodies. It's time to create a balance between the mind, body and spirit. When we focus too much on our bodies, we abandon and starve the other aspects of ourselves that also need attention and love. Without this balance, we become depressed, exhausted and emotionally drained. Start thinking positively about yourself by taking these steps.

1. Write down positive mantras and place a copy of them somewhere where you can see and reflect on them daily. You can start out with statements like, "I am feminine, strong, powerful and well liked" or "I accept that I am unique and that makes all the difference with my place in society". Repeat them in the morning and at night.
2. Counter negative thoughts by reciting the first positive phrase you can think of.
3. Pay three compliments each day to a girlfriend, coworker or even a complete stranger.
4. Listen to others' words. If there are a lot of negative people in your life, you will think negatively. By contrast, if you surround yourself with positive people, you will be more positive.

Hard Work

I am always so encouraged when I work with clients who work SO hard. This morning I had one of those clients. She just kept pushing herself and didn't give up no matter what I asked her to do. It makes my heart smile to know that I have a part in helping others strive to be their very best... I love my job!!

Thursday, February 7, 2008

I didn't know!

We've all heard that using Olive Oil is healthy for our heart and has the essential fatty acids that we need. However, I just learned that if you coat your hot pan with olive oil and then add the vegetables/ meat, the properties in the oil that are good for us, actually burn up and don't enter into the food!

So to use the oil to our benefit, coat your vegetables/meat first in a bowl or plastic bag and then add them to a hot pan. This way the oil's properties stay in tact through the cooking process. Happy and healthy cooking!

Friday, February 1, 2008

Myth busted!

As a personal trainer, I hear "I want to lose this" (then the client grabs her sides and belly, and gives it a good shake). Losing weight around one's midsection is a common goal and also healthy for your heart, however it won't happen with sit-ups, crunches, or planks alone.

Contrary to popular belief, buying the Ab Roller or the Ab Lounge won't get you the 6-pack abs you desire (or that they advertise). If the company threw in a treadmill with your purchase for $19.95, then you might have a chance. You must remove the fat that lies on top of the muscle before you can see any definition. If you do hundreds of crunches a day, you might have 6-pack abs, but if you don't do anything to remove the fat that sits on top, you'll never see all of your hard work.

This basic principle applies to the whole body, not just the abs. If you desire chiseled arms or leaner legs, my answer for you is strength training and cardio, cardio, cardio! There is no such thing as 'target training.' You must condition the whole body and work it as one unit to achieve the results you desire. So, don't throw out your Ab Lounge, just hop on the treadmill for 30-45 minutes prior to using it (3-5 days/ week), and you will start to see those abs you've been working for!