Sunday, October 26, 2008

Running in the rain

It might not be everybody's idea of a beautiful morning, but there is something thrilling about running in the rain. Maybe it's the fact that I have made the choice to run in less than ideal conditions which strengthens my confidence as a runner, maybe it's the solitude (because no one else likes to run in rain and wind), or maybe it's the feeling that the roads belong to me, I don't know what makes rainy runs so wonderful, but to me they are!

I also value the time to myself. I LOVE my family, and I LOVE lazy Sunday morning before we go to church, but there is something so peaceful about a run by myself to relieve stress and clear my thoughts. As I train with more clients, I see a clear pattern of particularly moms, putting themselves last. They then come to me tired, drained, and lacking energy. After just a few weeks, they start to feel better about themselves and approach their 'mom role' differently. They feel better because of the weight and inches they are losing, but more so, I think they feel better about themselves because they are re-discovering that they truly matter! They have put themselves on the back burner for so long that they had forgotten how it feels to have time dedicated just to them. So whether you take time to run in the rain or go for a walk on a sunny day... just be sure to take time for you!!! You matter.


jennifersadler said...

Hi Erin,
What gym do you work through? I just found out I'm pregnant (ssh!) and would like to have a healthy pregnancy full of exercise!

Erin said...

Hi Jennifer! Thanks for checking out my blog and congratulations on your pregnancy!!! I train out of my home studio and also do in-home training depending on what is more convenient for you! You can check out my website for further details ( or email me at and I'd be happy to answer any questions you might have. Thanks so much and I'll talk to you soon!