Monday, January 5, 2009

Happy New Year!

I hope 2009 has brought you good fortune thus far! Do you set New Year's resolutions? Do you have any goals for the new year? Especially in January, I find myself inundated with emails that promise to give me the "body I want!", but they leave me asking... will they give me the LIFE I want?

Our society focuses on the outward appearance... the size of your jeans, the flatness of your stomach, the tone of your arms, but we seldom talk about really living a full life. A life filled with self-appreciation and service to others. Although I consider health and wellness paramount in living a full life, it's not the only component. It's only one piece to the 3-part puzzle. So as you reflect on 2008 and dream for 2009, let me encourage to set one goal for your body, one for your mind, and one for your soul. The three pieces together make up the whole picture of a full life.