Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Need your feedback

Sorry for being MIA recently, I promise to pick up on the posts! Life has been a bit busy but I am thankful for all of its happenings. Between training, Dr.'s appointments (mine and Grady's), teaching Group Ex, and trying to get Grady healthy, time has just slipped by!

I am interested to know though, what you are most interested in reading about? Diet/ Nutrition, New exercises/ workouts, my thoughts/ reactions/ life, upcoming local events (if so, what kind?), etc. I would appreciate any and all comments (it reminds me that people actually read my blog :). Thanks in advance for your input, look for more posts soon!


Shana said...

I think I would like to hear about all of those things. I know that doesn't help give your blog direction not to mention it could get pretty time consuming. If you were to pick one thing....well I guess it would be new exercises and workouts. I know I would miss the diet/nutrition and most of all your thoughts/reactions/life. Of course I'll be back to seeing you weekly soon enough to catch up on that.

Aletha | Pearls Events said...

I agree with Shana - I love hearing about what's going on in your life, new exercies to try, food to eat, etc. Hope you're doing well :)

Erin said...

Thanks for the feedback ladies! I will keep it coming!