Take a second to think about the last couple meals you've eaten... were they healthy? Were they balanced? Were they driven from stomach hunger or head hunger? (Stomach hunger is legitimate hunger, head hunger comes from anxiety, thirst, fatigue, sadness, etc.) We can fall into bad habits when we look at food as a reward or as a comfort instead of fuel.
Take for example your car, it would probably run if you put a mixture of water and gasoline in the tank right? It wouldn't run well or last very long, but you could probably get a few miles out of it. Our bodies are exactly the same way. We can exist and get through the day when we nibble on sugars and simple carbs, but we fatigue quickly and need frequent fill-ups to make it through. On the other hand, if you put a high-quality gasoline into your car's tank, it would run more efficiently and you would get a longer life out of the car. Same thing is true with our bodies! When you eat quality foods such as whole grains, low-fat proteins, and high fiber vegetables and fruits, you can be pushed a little further physically, mentally, and spiritually.
So, even though low-fat chocolate cake might sound great, it's not fuel. Low- fat ice cream might tempt you, but it's NOT fuel! AN occasional treat is acceptable from time to time, but sugars, simple carbs, and fats shouldn't be your primary nutrition source. Fuel your body, mind and soul and watch your life change!
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