We have to break our exercise routine periodically to break plateaus, keep our heart pumping and to keep it exciting and interesting. I came across this cardio routine that will do just that... enjoy!

The following could be done running, walking up an incline (on a treadmill), using an elliptical, or climbing stairs. It is all based on intensity levels, on a scale of 1-10. 5 is our 'base' intensity and 10 is the max. I'll use running as our example.
Cardio Plan:
For 3 minutes, work at intensity level 5 (a brisk walk)
For 1 minute, work at intensity level 6 (a slow jog)
For 1 minute, work at intensity level 7 (a moderate jog)
For 1 minute, work at intensity level 8 (a run)
For 1 minute, work at intensity level 9 (a sprint)
For 1 minute, work at intensity level 10 (all out sprint)
Repeat sequence from the beginning. Work up to 3-4 cycles, using the 3 minutes to catch your breath and prepare for another cycle. Remember, you can do this walking, even biking, or climbing stairs, it doesn't just have to be running.
Happy plateau breaking!
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